
Friday, May 10, 2013

Shaklee 180 - The Best Thing I've Ever "Sold"

Those that have known me for a while know that I am not a salesperson. Not even a teensy bit. This is the girl who tried to waitress for 3 months and then quit because pushing presidential margaritas on people every night felt so awkward and mean ("What if they don't want a margarita?!"). I was lousy at selling those margaritas.

I've never sold anything at a garage sale. Never listed things on Ebay. Never signed up as a salesperson for anything.

Until Shaklee. Because I don't really feel like I'm selling things! I'm just telling people about amazing, trustworthy health products that have changed my life. And I forget all the time that what I'm doing is a job and that I get a paycheck every month for it.

This morning I woke up to a voicemail from a dear friend. She called after I fell asleep last night just to tell me how much she LOVES her Shaklee 180 products. Tell me - how many jobs are there out there where you get to wake up to voicemails from clients who love the products you shared with them?! Pinch me!

So, here's the deal that I want to make sure you and all your cousins and coworkers and great-aunts and mailmen know about:

For the month of May any new customer who signs up with a Shaklee 180 kit - either the Turnaround Kit or the Lean & Healthy Kit and keeps their kit on autoship for three months (May, June, July) will receive:

- FREE shipping for each of the 3 months
- $100 worth of credit at the end of the 90 days to spend on any Shaklee products of their choice

You guys. FOR REAL! Don't miss out on this deal!!!

Here's what my friends (real people! I'm not making these testimonies up!) who are on the 180 system are saying:
 I had a flare-up of a chronic medical condition and needed to go on a soft food diet. Shena and the experts at Shaklee were able to help me out. The Shaklee Smoothies were and incredible answer to my needs. We added some supplements to my regime and within two week my energy level increase, my chronic sinus allergy problems cleared, my sleep improved and I started to drop weight. I have been on these products for two months, I now have the energy to exercise everyday, I have lost nearly twenty pounds and dropped two pant sizes. I have also been able to decrease my allergy medicine and reduce the dosage on my sleep meds. Several people have told me I have a new glow. If you want or like me NEED to improve your health, please consider Shaklee.
I've had 3 days of shakes in the morning and 1) it does not hurt my stomach at all - I thought for sure it would mess me up and it doesn't! And 2) it seems to curb my appetite forever... Today I had a long, stressful day and normally under such nerve-wracking situations I would snack on pita chips to calm my stomach. But today I had a shake at 6am in the morning, thinking I'd be starving by noon, but I wasn't! It just stayed with me the whole day and I stayed very level and didn't have any surges downward or hunger or headache issues. I really like the shakes and I love the taste!
For me, the "proof is in the pants". My pants have so much slack that they are basically falling off of me! I'm already losing pounds/inches. Before I started this diet, I literally didn't eat anything all day until dinner. I'd have something terrible for me and then go right to sleep....horrible. All of my calories were coming directly from soda.. Forcing myself into a 3 "meal"/day routine has really given my metabolism a kick-start. I feel like I have the energy I was attempting to chase with all of those caffeinated drinks. It's awesome!
These testimonies are part of why I love Shaklee. Part of why I love this gig. These testimonies are from my friends and I am so, so excited to help people find solutions to health difficulties.

If you are curious about changing your shape, increasing your energy, boosting your metabolism, healing your body - then make this month the month! This amazing offer from Shaklee ends on 5/31. Free shipping. $100 to spend on products. Nothing to lose but the weight!

Shaklee has a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee.

Ready to start your 180? Here are the two kits to choose from:

Turnaround Kit - A month's supply of 2 meals (smoothie mix and meal bars) per day, 1 snack per day, energizing tea, and metabolic boost supplement. This kit is perfect for those who have a more substantial  amount of weigh to lose or want to reach their goals more quickly.

Lean & Healthy Kit - A month's supply of 1 smoothie meal per day plus Vitalizer - a month's supply of Shaklee's best daily supplements. Vitalizer vitamin packs provide the best spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics, all in one daily serving. The Lean & Healthy kit is perfect for those that have a smaller amount of weigh to lose or simply want to maintain their current physique.

A few more exciting things about the Shaklee 180 system:
  • It is an extremely cost-efficient program and is cheaper than Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, Medifast, and Body by Vi. Check out this video fore about the value of Shaklee 180:   Shaklee 180's Value.
  • The 180 system was developed by the number one natural nutrition company in America. The kits are gluten-free and dairy-free and contain no artificial sweeteners or preservatives and contain only non-GMO ingredients.
  • The 180 meals are specially formulated so that fat is lost, not muscle. Check out this video for more behind the science of the Shaklee 180 program: Dr. Chaney Explains the Science Behind Shaklee 180.
  • Shaklee's 180 program has now been endorsed by Harley Pasternak (celebrity fitness trainer who has never backed any product until now).
  • Every kit comes with online member support and access to the Shaklee 180 app. The app has a calorie and exercise tracker and access to daily workouts. The more you use the app the more you are entered into drawings for prizes (I won an iPod shuffle!). Watch this short video for more info on the app: Shaklee 180 App.
  • If you get 3 friends to join you on the 180 program, your monthly kit is FREE. And for each month that your 3 friends continue the program, your kit continues to be free. And your friends can get their friends to join and get their kit for free. All while your kit is free. So much free-ness!!!
Let me know if you want more info on the Shaklee 180 program! Act NOW so you don't miss out on this month's sweet promo!

And if, like me, you want to make an income by helping people feel better, let me know! Shaklee is an amazing gig. Right now I'm wearing my comfy clothes and drinking tea in my favorite coffee shop. Most of the time it's yoga pants curled up on the couch. My Shaklee coworker runs her business while going on playdates with her young daughter. It's a great job (that honestly doesn't feel like work) that can be done any place and at any time! :)

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