
Thursday, May 3, 2012

May (all your dreams come true...)

C.S. Lewis quote for the day:

"Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement."

The mid-way point of the year is fast approaching... Only 59 days and 2012 will be halfway past...

What Leap Year resolutions did you make? What new ones are whispering in your head?

Listen to those whispering dreams...! Make the move now.

For me, May means "boot camp" month. Get my butt in gear and finish my manuscript draft. Make healthy habits of exercise and prayer. I want to work hard. And play hard. I want to be a good steward of every muscle, brain cell, and blessing.

I'm three days into May and those days haven't been perfect... But that's okay, because perfection is not my goal. Improvement, yes, perfection, no. (Thanks Mama Char [grandma] for that eternal life lesson!)

So make the most with what you've got! Life is preciously short. If you aren't satisfied with your life, then quit spinning your wheels and clinging to the same old habits...

Be who you were made to be!!!